The Glendale Tap

4227 San Fernando Rd
Glendale CA 91204
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 7:30pm


Wed Aug 9 2023
| by Quizmaster Matt Champagne

When Lenos, god of Merriment, finally got off his throne to make some calls to the lesser gods about the upcoming craft fair (there were still details to iron out, like which bands would be booked? was the corndog fryer working? would there be a dunk tank?), he was suddenly struck by the notion that he had never in his celestial life EVER truly let loose. "They say I'm the God of Merriment, but am I?" he asked no one. "Let's do trivia!" he announced to the craft fair planning commision. "But we're gods,," they said in unison. "We know all the answers already." "Not us," said Lenos. "The humans! And we'll have them do it once a week on a Wednesday in Glendale. And first prize is they don't have to die!" This ended up being a big hit and more work than Lenos wanted to do (he would eventually outsource the bookings to some demons), but the point is: When ruling the Earth, it's important to let the humans have brain fights once in a while. For beer. Let's talk:

Tonight's Drinking Round was called "Who Can Do The Best Fonzi?" Being too young to know who Fonzi is was NO excuse. A short, bald guy from "Queen Bees" took it because the resemblance was uncanny.

The team Live Laugh Love ended the night with 52 points. They lived, they laughed, they took third place. In second was the out of place Fertile Crescent Rolls with 65 points, for they usually take first. But not tonight! More like second crescent rolls! And dominating the night was the two-manned Beers For Queers with a bar-destroying 68 points!

Join us every Wednesday at 7:30 at the Glendale Tap for more King Trivia fun, won't you?

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 27737 Beers For Queers 68 6 1.000
2 92972 Fertile Crescent Rolls 65 5 0.833
3 Live Laugh Love 52 4 0.667
4 106990 blue team 51 3 0.500
5 Jazz Cats 44 1 0.250
5 98077 Queen Bees 44 1 0.250
7 106986 Lizzo’s Dance Captain 39 0 0.000


Wed Aug 2 2023
| by Quizmaster Matt Champagne

When Hephaestus made shoes for the winged horse Pegasus, he didn't know he was the third best blacksmith in all the heavens. "I can't break it to him," whispered his father Zeus to the council. "It'd kill him." So Hephaestus (Heppie to his friends) banged on, lifting and falling his hammer in third-best fashion until his dad's horse was properly shod. In similar news, the fight for third place in trivia was bravely fought Wednesday night by Jazzcats and Queen Bees. Never have I heard more cheering over a fight for a ten-dollar gift card. Let's talk.

The Drinking Round was "Who Can Do The Best Pee Wee Herman?" The answer? The Original Bhut Jolokia, that's who. Free drinks and what-not!

But that battle for third! The correct answer was 12. Jazzcats answered 33, Queen Bees answered 11. By anyone's math, the Bees took it! And to be honest, I forget the quesiton. That's how exciting it was!

(Oh yeah, and first and second place were Fertile Crescent Rolls and Bryce And The Band.)

Come back next week to the Glendale Tap for more King Trivia fun!, okay? Gosh.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 92972 Fertile Crescent Rolls 63 6 1.000
2 Bryce and the Band 42 5 0.833
3 98077 Queen Bees 35 3 0.583
3 80303 Jazzcats 35 3 0.583
5 the glendale clap 30 2 0.333
6 106238 The Original Bhut Jolokia 28 1 0.167
7 81409 The Tapster 11 0 0.000


Wed Jul 26 2023
| by Quizmaster Matt Champagne

When Hermes got mocked by the other Greek gods for having a funny name (they'd call him Spermes, among other names), he never let it get to him. "You're just jealous of my winged sandals!" he'd declare. "We're gods," they'd say. "Lots of us can fly, dummy." But he was off, in the wind literally, skipping over clouds like pond stones, en route to his next errand of protecting thieves or some politician or something. Point is: Don't let your trivia competition throw you off your game. Let it feed you like an Olympian taunt from Zeus or an acid-toungued curse from Hestia! Let's talk!

In honor of Shark Week, this week's Drinking Round was Who Can Do The Best Impression Of Being Eaten By A Shark? Apparently the answer is "Bartenders," because that's who won! Congratulations! Now drink the beer you're in charge of selling.

In third place was the just-as-surprised-as-anyone George Santos Volleyball Team with 20 points! Not to be discounted was Cream Source Unlimited with 54 points. And ruling the night with, yes, 69 points was Farty Pants!

Come back next week for more King Trivia fun at Glendale Tap, ok?

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 105491 Farty Pants 69 3 1.000
2 Cream Source Unlimited 54 2 0.667
3 George Santos Volleyball Team 20 1 0.333
4 81409 The Tapster 16 0 0.000