The Paddle Pub

4915 Lakewood Rd
Stanwood WA 98292
(360) 652-4156
About The Paddle Pub

A newly remodeled restaurant. Which now serves amazing food for all taste, fine dining to finger food. We have an amazing staff! 
Come see us!


Wed Dec 26 2018
| by Quizmaster David Monaghan

Wednesdy night at the Paddle Pub was another success after a Holiday!

We had two teams and it was so much fun! I had to remind the second team to NOT SHOUT OUT THE ANSWERS!! Everyone laughed when I had to remind them of that fact!

Team Brothers worked hard to bust out the answers and they were succesful! Both teams congratulated each other for their respective wins and it was such a cool thing to see that there were no hard feelings. THAT is good night of trivia!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 BROTHERS 46 1 1.000
2 12956 Older Budweiser 41 0 0.000


Wed Dec 19 2018
| by Quizmaster David Monaghan

Wednesday night at The Paddle Pub was lots of fun! We had two teams, and unfortunately, Team Ironside had to leave after round 4.
Being a dad, myself, I understand when you have to take the kids home and make sure they are in bed at a decent hour! Good Job, Ironside! You did very well and I wish I could have given you your award!

Team Older Budweiser had a rousing comeback after missing a couple of their team mates in the last two weeks, but they had the brain power to come up with the correct answers for most of the questions! I can always count on them to give the correct answers to even the most obscure questions!

Looking forward to the 26th! Come on out and pit your skills against Team Older Budweiser!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 12956 Older Budweiser 43 1 1.000
2 Ironside (left at the start of round 5) 8 0 0.000


Wed Dec 12 2018
| by Quizmaster David Monaghan

Wednesday night at The Paddle Pub was another successful night! We had ONE team at 6:25, but by 7:00, we had three teams, and another joined at round three! It was a lot of fun!
A new team appeared, New Locals and they took the lead and busted out a win! Congratulations, New Locals!

I want to give a BIG SHOUT OUT to my buddies, Lisa, Vienna and the rest of the wait staff and barteneders! YAAAAY!!! Thank you for making me and my wife feel welcome! I deeply appreciate having the system set up before arriving!

I'm going to miss the fun and being a Quizmaster for a few weeks, BUT I will return in after the first of the year! I love the ability to do this job! It's exciting and I look forward to it, each week!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 New Locals 54 3 1.000
2 Older Budweiser 37 2 0.667
3 The Dumb Blondes 34 1 0.333
4 Sacalomatinas 25 0 0.000