Rocco's Tavern - Culver City

3843 Main St
Culver City CA 90232
(310) 559-5500
  • PUB QUIZ—Mondays @ 9:00pm
About Rocco's Tavern - Culver City

Good food, good drinks, good fun!


Mon Oct 28 2019
| by Quizmaster Mike Bauman

Many people have asked, "Which is more exciting - Chapter 15 of David Cameron's new memoir, in which the former UK Prime Minister gives a lengthy rundown of his 2011 budget cuts, or Monday night King Trivia at Rocco's Tavern in Culver City, California?" Friends, I am here to tell you that it is definitely the latter!

Throughout the evening, The Royal Penis Is Clean and Orange Is the New Trump battled for the lead as fiercely as Marty McCarthy and I battled for the lead in our kindergarten production of "Goldilocks and the Three Bears." TRPIC eventually took the game with a triumphant double in Round 6. (Marty is a successful lawyer now, so I guess I won, too!)

The Survey Slam drinking round went to Boardwalk 11, a team who truly have the pulse of the people.

A wonderful night was had by all. I'm not even upset over the question about Texas Tech athletics, even though their basketball team eliminated my alma mater from the NCAA tournament this year.

See you next Monday!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 The Royal Penis Is Clean 74 7 1.000
2 14365 Orange Is the New Trump 62 6 0.857
3 22505 Boardwalk 11 57 5 0.714
4 16096 Frisky Kitties 53 4 0.571
5 23454 I Only Watch the World Series for the Articles 51 3 0.429
6 22731 Hugh Jazz 39 2 0.286
7 Katie Told Me That Papers Is a Dragon-Slayer 30 1 0.143
8 2nd Half Loser 29 0 0.000


Mon Oct 21 2019
| by Quizmaster Matt Gwin

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1* 15607 O-Trivia Newton John 43 4 0.900
1 16096 Frisky Kitties 43 4 0.900
3 17612 Flying Solo 39 3 0.600
4 19895 Team Gansett 34 2 0.400
5 Siblings 33 1 0.200
6 Did You Know Katie is a Vampire? 22 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker


Mon Oct 14 2019
| by Quizmaster Michael Cornacchia

King Trivia was back at Rocco's for another game of q's and a's. The teams had a ton of fun battling to see who would go home in first place.
"The Royal Penis is Clean" was a team with a lot of great energy but not so great luck when it came to doubling or nothing. I know it's going to be a fun game when see the Royal Penis. "Team Gansett" played consistently well all night and almost placed. And a special shoutout to "Fuck, I Don't Know" for having a name that really matched their playing skillz. 😉

"Hugh Jazz," a King Trivia favorite, grabbed THIRD place AND won the Drinking Round! Coming in SECOND place was a wonderful couple who really new their trivia, "The MC's of Trivia" And coming in FIRST place was, "Mighty Baanchods," these two fellas rocked every round doubling their scores 3 times when they doubled or nothing on 3 rounds!

Congrats to our winners and thank you to everyone who came out to play!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 14365 The Mighty Baanchods 77 7 1.000
2 The MC’s of Trivia 65 6 0.857
3 22731 Hugh Jazz 47 5 0.714
4 19895 Team Gansett 42 4 0.571
5 The Royal Penis Is Clean 36 3 0.429
6 23214 Fuck, I Don’t Know 30 2 0.286
7 Hubba Bubba Jubs 23 1 0.143
8 Book Club 19 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker