The Paddle Pub

4915 Lakewood Rd
Stanwood WA 98292
(360) 652-4156
About The Paddle Pub

A newly remodeled restaurant. Which now serves amazing food for all taste, fine dining to finger food. We have an amazing staff! 
Come see us!


Wed Feb 6 2019
| by Quizmaster David Monaghan

A HUGE shoutout to Ryan, the owner of the Paddle Pub! THANK YOU! Last night was a truly fun and hilarious evening!
Ryan and a few of his friends had dinner at the Pub and then all joined in and played Trivia!
The husbands and Ryan played a great game! It was a TV themed night and everyone, especially the kids, did a great job with their answers!

The wives did a wonderful job with their answers, as well! The whole evening was so much fun and the questions, while being a bit difficult, were answered with a lot of brain power applied!

All I can say is GOOD JOB, PADDLE PUB!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Husbands 43 2 1.000
2 wives 28 1 0.500
3 kids 18 0 0.000


Wed Jan 30 2019
| by Quizmaster David Monaghan

The paddle pub proved, once again, to be a great time. Team Austin & Friends, when the questions started, asked, " Can we get the third grade version?" Not even Who's smarter than a fifth grader? WOW!

The game was always a neck and neck tie, but the tie breaker pushed Team Better Late Than Pregnant ahead one point for the win.

Everyone had a good time and there were laughs abound. This is what Trivia Night is all about. Thank you, Paddle Pub for allowing us to have Wednesday nights for trivia!


Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1* Better late then pregnant 31 1 1.000
2 Austin & Friends 30 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker


Wed Jan 23 2019
| by Quizmaster David Monaghan

Wednesday at the Paddle Pub was interesting! We had two teams that gave it their all and did really well! With the team "The Only Team Not Cheating" made it to 1st place! Even with a pool player shouting out the answers (which was put to an end, VERY QUICKLY!) it was a good game!

Interesting questions, and a lot of team cooperation, we were all able to laugh and have a great time!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 The Only Team not cheating 53 1 1.000
2 Pam 31 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker